The biggest problem i have found in esl learners is not their ability to learn the language, but their mental and emotional confidence to learn it
Shame, Judgment, Perfectionism and Lack of Self- Efficacy are the biggest blocks to actually learn the language. Most people focus on the techniques, and grammar. some people think there is something physcially wrong with their ears, and their brain.
I would like to study about the neurological process that occur when learning a new language. so I can help people learn about the physical changes and development that happens when they are learning. I would like to know what happens and see the reaction of people when they try to speak. They’re fear level of when they try to speak.
I would like to research and develop a way to help people overcome mal-adapated perfectionism
There is a big culture of shame, perfectionism and judgement that puts so much fear into people that they are to afraid to speak. THey want so badly to speak because it can change their lives. they can have money, leave the country and get away from the violence. English represents hope. and freedom. Something I was priveldged to have. I want to give bak to them what I’ve been given.
WOuld love to help people and create modules, for FLOW, Mindfullness, Perfectionism, Self-Efficacy.